Mississippi Valley State University

Contact Information:
Yolanda Jones, Director
Location: Student Health Center
Phone: 662-254-3831
Fax: 662-254-3529
e-mail: yjones@mvsu.edu

Prevention and Educational Programs

Drunk Driving Simulator
The drunk driving simulator incorporates the same technology used to train military and law enforcement personnel. The simulator features a 225-degree field-of-vision screen for a "driver", as well as two large-screen monitors for spectators to experience the full impact of each simulation.
Simulator participants have the opportunity to experience the effects of bad judgment and deteriorating driving skills due to alcohol consumption, while spectators watch the large screens that feature what the driver sees, the face of the driver, and a helicopter view of the driver's vehicle in traffic and an indicator level of the driver’s impairment. Upon completion of the simulation, each driver receives a mock citation and recording of his or her Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) experience. This event is held once every Spring and Fall semester.

Alcohol 101
The Alcohol 101 program is a series of video presentations to inform the students about alcohol and to reduce the harm associated with the misuse of alcohol. By demonstrating the negative outcomes of decisions to misuse alcohol and providing healthy alternatives, Alcohol 101 encourage students to maintain personal safety and make responsible decisions about drinking, or not drinking. It clearly indicates that not drinking alcohol is a socially acceptable alternative.

Workshops in the Residence Hall on Alcohol and Drug Abuse
PowerPoint and/or oral presentations on topics related to alcohol and drug abuse are made in the residence halls each semester to raise the awareness, prevalence, and consequences of alcohol on college campuses.

National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week
In observance of National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week, which is observed the third week of October, a variety of activities are planned dedicated to promoting alcohol education and prevention. These include, but are not limited to distribution of pamphlets and materials on alcohol and substance abuse, power point presentations, and video presentations. This year, we will take part in the 2009 UDecide NCAAW Campaign and promote its theme which contains a message that support personal responsibility and practice tips about avoiding excessive drinking, driving after drinking and not riding with a driver who has been drinking.

The Resource Library
A resource library is located within the Student Counseling Center. The resource library is available to students, staff, and faculty who are interested in learning more about drug and alcohol issues along with a range of other topics relating to mental health and academic success.

Minority Education Institutions (MEI) Initiative for Substance Abuse, HIV/AIDS, and Hepatitis Prevention Program
This program is funded through the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA), Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP). Now in its 4th year, it was funded to assist in implementing innovative, effective Substance Abuse, HIV/AIDS, and Hepatitis prevention education on MVSU campus. In regards to the substance abuse component, we provide outreach/awareness activities to the university community, disseminate educational materials, and make oral and/or video presentations in classrooms, and residence halls with the assistance of trained Student Peer Educators.

Substance Abuse Peer Education Program
In this program, trained student leaders are used to:

  • provide outreach/awareness activities to the university community,
  • disseminate educational materials and
  • make oral and/or video presentations in classrooms, and residence halls

Facts on Tap/ Prevention and Intervention
This is a comprehensive alcohol and other drug education, prevention, and intervention program for college students. It is designed to enhance alcohol prevention efforts at both high school and college level. www.factsontap.org

College Response
College Response is a screening program that offers programs to promote prevention, early detection and treatment of prevalent, under-diagnosed and treatable mental health disorders and alcohol problems affecting college students. www.mentalhealthscreening.org

For more information, please visit: www.mvsu.edu/counseling_center/forms.php

Alcoholic Anonymous
Al-Anon (1888-4AL-Anon) 1-888-425-2666
Life Help Mental Health Center (Alcohol/Drug Treatment Program) 662-453-6211
St. Dominic Behavioral Health Services 1-800-632-5907
NAMI (National Alliance Mental Illness) 1-800-357-0388